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Content Delivery Network (CDN) Plans

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can dramatically reduce web page load times for your customers around the globe, boosting conversion rates and search engine rankings while simultaneously decreasing bandwidth demands on your company’s web servers and increasing reliability and uptime. A CDN achieves all of these feats by caching your site’s content (such as images, videos, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML) on proxy servers distributed all over the globe. The content is then delivered to end users who are geographically close to a particular server. Even if your company’s servers are located in San Francisco or Hong Kong, with a CDN from your customers in London won’t have to wait for your data to travel halfway around the globe before viewing it in their browser.’s CDN with HTTPS/2 offers three tiers of service to scale with your business:




All of’s CDN plans include these no-hassle features:

Global Coverage:

Unlike some CDN providers, does not charge extra for access to our entire global network (Europe, USA, Asia, and Australia).

No long-term commitment:

Pay monthly and cancel anytime.


Automatically create, update, and delete multiple resources, or purge single files from the entire cache with our API.

Pay as you grow:

We grow with you as your audience gets bigger. Scale up your CDN plan at any time with a simple click.

Custom SSL at no charge:

Auto-installed SSL/TLS completely free of charge. (We are a Certificate Authority, after all!) You can get as many SSL-enabled custom domains as you want or need.

HTTP/2:’s CDN is automatically HTTP/2-enabled. HTTP/2 is faster than HTTP and requires SSL. Both SSL and faster load times factor into improving your Google search rankings.

No-suspend guarantee:

Our no-suspend guarantee ensures that your site and CDN will continue to perform even as you go over your limits. Overages are rounded up to the nearest 100GB or you can simply upgrade your plan.

Real-time stats:

Our in-depth analytics mean that you can track your content and usage on the fly.

24/7 support:

Our amazing support team are always on hand to help you out when you need it, by phone, email, and chat. Content Delivery Network

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