Cloud Code Signing Integration with BitBucket

This is a guide on how BitBucket CI/CD tool can be integrated with eSigner CodeSignTool to perform automated code signing. CodeSignTool is a command line utility that is effective in remote signing processes and fully integrates with various CI/CD platforms. It is part of the toolkit in eSigner – our cloud code signing service that enables developers to experience an intuitive and secure method to sign code.’s EV Code Signing certificates help protect your code from unauthorized tampering and compromise with the highest level of validation, and are available for as little as $249 per year. You can also use your EV Code Signing certificate at scale in the cloud using eSigner.


Environment Variables


.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflow



    - step:

        # You can add a name to a step to make displays and reports easier to read and understand.

        name: build-dotnet

        # Name of the Docker image which may or may not include registry URL, tag, and digest value


        # Commands to execute in the step


          # Created directories for artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Build dotnet project with Release configuration

          - dotnet build dotnet/HelloWorld.csproj -c Release

          # Copy built artifacts to artifacts directory

          - cp dotnet/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/HelloWorld-0.0.1.dll ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages/HelloWorld.dll

        # Files produced by a step to share with a following step


          - packages/HelloWorld.dll

    - step:

        # You can add a name to a step to make displays and reports easier to read and understand.

        name: sign-dotnet-artifacts

        # Services enabled for the step


          - docker

        # Commands to execute in the step


          # Created directories for artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Fixed dotnet permission issue

          - chmod -R 777 ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Docker Pull CodeSigner Docker Image

          - docker pull

          # Sign artifact with CodeSigner docker image

          - docker run -i --rm --dns --volume ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages:/codesign/examples --volume ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts:/codesign/output -e USERNAME=${USERNAME} -e PASSWORD=${PASSWORD} -e CREDENTIAL_ID=${CREDENTIAL_ID} -e TOTP_SECRET=${TOTP_SECRET} -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME=${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} sign -input_file_path=/codesign/examples/HelloWorld.dll -output_dir_path=/codesign/output

Create a new repository on

Select the options for the specific fields:

a) Access level: tick the check box for Private repository

b) Include a README? No

c) Default branch name: main

d) include .gitignore? No

Create a new project on your code editor

Under the new project, create a .yml file

Write the script for the build stage

Write the script for the sign stage’s EV Code Signing certificates help protect your code from unauthorized tampering and compromise with the highest level of validation, and are available for as little as $249 per year. You can also use your EV Code Signing certificate at scale in the cloud using eSigner.


Full Script:



    - step:

        # You can add a name to a step to make displays and reports easier to read and understand.

        name: build-dotnet

        # Name of the Docker image which may or may not include registry URL, tag, and digest value


        # Commands to execute in the step


          # Created directories for artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Build dotnet project with Release configuration

          - dotnet build dotnet/HelloWorld.csproj -c Release

          # Copy built artifacts to artifacts directory

          - cp dotnet/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/HelloWorld-0.0.1.dll ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages/HelloWorld.dll

        # Files produced by a step to share with a following step


          - packages/HelloWorld.dll

    - step:

        # You can add a name to a step to make displays and reports easier to read and understand.

        name: sign-dotnet-artifacts

        # Services enabled for the step


          - docker

        # Commands to execute in the step


          # Created directories for artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts

          - mkdir -p ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Fixed dotnet permission issue

          - chmod -R 777 ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages

          # Docker Pull CodeSigner Docker Image

          - docker pull

          # Sign artifact with CodeSigner docker image

          - docker run -i --rm --dns --volume ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/packages:/codesign/examples --volume ${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}/artifacts:/codesign/output -e USERNAME=${USERNAME} -e PASSWORD=${PASSWORD} -e CREDENTIAL_ID=${CREDENTIAL_ID} -e TOTP_SECRET=${TOTP_SECRET} -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME=${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} sign -input_file_path=/codesign/examples/HelloWorld.dll -output_dir_path=/codesign/output

Define all the repository information

Click the Repository settings tab

Under PIPELINES, click Settings to enable your pipeline

Next, still under PIPELINES, click Repository Variables.

Place the name and value for each repository variable

Push your code to Bitbucket

On the Source tab of your BitBucket menu, set your repository url to https

Write the command for git remote add origin and paste the https link of your bitbucket project, followed by the git push command

Write the git push –u origin master command

Refresh Bitbucket to see the code that you have pushed

Refresh Bitbucket and click the Pipelines tab. The build and sign stage will automatically start.

Check if the build stage is successful

Check if the sign stage is successful

Sample BitBucket Pipeline

Check out the BitBucket pipeline we have created on

Other Remote Signing Integration Guides

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With our expert knowledge and five-star support staff, we’re ready and willing to work with you on custom solutions or enterprise-level high-volume signing discounts. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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