eSigner Document Signing Gateway Guide

The eSigner document signing gateway API distributes as a docker image and installs on the customer’s premise. It performs the following actions:

  • The application sends the unsigned PDF document to the document signing gateway API
  • The document signing gateway application computes the PDF hash and sends to the eSigner CSC API for hash signing
  • The signed hash is then embedded inside the PDF document as part of the PDF document signing operation
  • The signed PDF document is timestamped using TSA
  • The CRL-based revocation of the certificate chain is fetched and embedded inside the PDF document to make it LTV enabled



URL:- /v1/pdf/eseal A valid access token is required to access the API. A guide on how to retrieve the Access Token can be found on this article: Remote Document Signing with eSigner CSC API
    "credential_id": "db1653b7-6135-4a10-809b-e29a25d3bb7b",
    "page_number": 0,
    "signing_reason": "",
    "signing_location": "",
    "contact_Info": "",
      "x": 160,
      "height": 150  
    "hand_signature": "<HAND_SIGNATURE_IMAGE>",
    "pdf": ""


  • credential_id – Mandatory credential ID of the eSeal certificate. To know how to identify the credential ID of your certificate, please refer to this guide:
  • page_number – Only required for visible signatures. It starts with 0
  • signing_reason – Optional signing reason
  • signing_location – Optional signing location
  • contact_info – Optional contact information
  • sig_field_position – x, y, width and height of the signature field position. It is only required for visible signatures
  • hand_signature – Base64 encoded PNG hand signature image. It is only required for visible signatures and to add hand signature as part of signature appearance
  • pdf – Base64 encoded PDF document to sign


     "signed_pdf": ""
  • signed_pdf – Base64 encoded signed LTV enabled PDF document

Installation Instructions

  1. Unzip the document signing gateway release
  2. Open the files and change accordingly
    # For sandbox testing, set the CSR URL to and for production set it to
    # URL of the TSA
    # Port in docker container
    # TLS server certificate settings. One can use self signed certificate or private PKI or public PKI certificate
    server.ssl.key-store: ./server.jks
    server.ssl.key-password: secret
    server.ssl.key-store-password: secret
  3. Open the Dockerfile
    FROM eclipse-temurin:17.0.9_9-jdk-jammy
    # Port on which document signing gateway will be running. This must be same as in file
    EXPOSE 8081
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY document_signing_gateway-1.0.0.jar /app/
    COPY /app/
    COPY server.jks /app/
    COPY GoNotoKurrent.ttf /app/
    ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Dspring.config.location=file:/app/", "-jar", "document_signing_gateway-1.0.0.jar"]
  4. Install Docker Engine on your machine. Afterward, build the docker image using the following command:
    docker build -t document_signing_gateway:1.0.0 .
  5. Run the container using the following command. It also creates volume for docker signing gateway API log file and port mapping as well.
    docker run -it -p 8081:8081 -v document_signing_gateway_logs:/logs document_signing_gateway:1.0.0
  6. Access the document signing gateway API using an application or POSTMAN tool.

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