Category: Uncategorized and Entrust Form Strategic Partnership is pleased to announce a new partnership with Entrust. This collaboration will see supporting Entrust’s public TLS certificate lifecycle, ensuring that Entrust continues to meet the highest standards of reliability and customer satisfaction. Entrust will leverage’s expertise and full browser ubiquity to provide seamless, secure, and robust certificate services.
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What is PKI?

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a term describes systems and components used in securing internet communications and transactions. This article will cover a high-level breakdown
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What is Pharming?

What Is a Pharming Attack? The term, “pharming” comes from two concepts: phishing and farming. It is a type of social engineering cyberattack that manipulates
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A look at browser UI security indicators

We look at security indicators in browser UI and give you the state of the field circa now. Changing security indicators might look like a simple UI decision at first glance, but it carries significant implications. Read on for a brief overview of the current status of UI security indicators, as well as upcoming changes and how they might affect Internet users.
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An Introduction to Certification Authority Authorization (CAA)’s in-depth look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) and how it can help protect your website, your business – and your online reputation.

Created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and described in RFC 6844, CAA lets the owner of a domain name authorize designated and specific Certification Authorities (CAs) to issue SSL certificates for their domain name.

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The lists display the path of trust from the root certificate, through the required intermediate certificates to the server certificate for each product we offer.
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Pros And Cons Of SSL / HTTPS / TLS

When it comes to the pros and cons of implementing SSL on your web server, there are real cons as well as those that are merely myths. Let’s take a look.

Taking security seriously is more important than ever when it comes to doing business online – even if you’re a publisher and not selling any physical goods or services. We got the idea for this post after seeing one over at the Nexcess blog. This is our own take on the SSL debate.

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