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Cybersecurity News Roundup February 2023

Chinese Cybercriminals Obtain Thousands of Texans’ Driver’s Licenses Image above by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay. The Texas Department of Public Safety announced on February 27 that the personally identifiable information (PII) of a minimum of 3000 Texans with Asian descent have been compromised by an organized Chinese crime gang based
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Cybersecurity News Roundup January 2023

PayPal Accounts Breached Due to Password Recycling On January 19, 2023, Paypal sent out data breach notifications and informed nearly 35,000 of their users that their accounts were compromised in December 2022. Paypal explained that the accounts were targeted by hackers through credential stuffing – an attack where leaked usernames
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Cybersecurity Roundup December 2022

Nuclear Scientists are Becoming Russian Hacker Targets Cold River is a Russian-based hacking group that has recently launched a series of cyber attacks targeting American scientists at three nuclear research facilities. Reuters reported that between August and September 2022, Cold River targeted various engineers at Brookhaven, Lawrence Livermore, and Argonne
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Cybersecurity Roundup November 2022

Hackers Are Targeting United States Port Facilities with Malicious Typosquatting Websites According to the US Coast Guard Cyber Command, there has been an increase in targeted typosquatting attacks in 2022, directed against United States port facilities. The command issued an official Maritime Cyber Alert. While this appears to be only related to ports, the problem
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Cybersecurity Roundup October 2022

Hackers Successfully Targeted Google Translate as an Entry Point for a Major Attack: Phishing Was The Method of Penetration In an unprecedented and never before seen method, hackers successfully spoofed Google’s Language Translator page. Using tense wording with a bombardment of emails that appear legitimate, the hackers bypassed email security
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Code Signing Key Storage Requirements Will Change on June 1, 2023

Important Announcement: Why Is This Occurring? Impact of the Change:  Using an on-premises or cloud HSM service will require a key generation attestation Solution  The benefits of a Personal or Organization Code Signing Certificate: For a higher level of trust and authentication, Extended Validation Code Signing certificates offer the
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