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September 2021 Cybersecurity Roundup

September has seen a lot of newsworthy events in the field of internet security. Join us as we tackle cybersecurity progresses and risks revelations that happened in the past month. Cybercriminal Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Heading a 7-Year Illegal Phone Unlocking Scheme Per the September 16 news
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Cybersecurity Challenges Faced by Engineering Companies

Introduction  Both hard data and anecdotal evidence show that the leading cause for companies getting hacked is human error. Collaborative research by Stanford University and security firm Tessian showed that 88% of data breaches are caused by employees who click on hackers’ emails because they thought these really came from
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Quantum Proofing Next Generation PKI and Digital Certificates

Sensational articles like this about quantum computers even in 2016, create uncertainties for data security in the case that quantum computers of sufficient power are constructed. This article will attempt to shed some light on the situation.  What is Quantum Computing? Quantum computing is the application of quantum mechanics principles
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Advantages of Remote Online Notarization for Lawyers

Before 2011, when Virginia became the first state to sign Remote Online Notarization (RON) into law, the practice of notarizing documents in the US had traditionally been conducted face-to-face. State governments provided authority to a notary or lawyer to ensure that the signer/client had a valid personal identity as well
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Using Digital Certificates and Zero Trust in Hybrid Workplaces

The COVID- 19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the workplace into a hybrid of remote work and traditional office. This article tries to shed some light on this modern reality, along with examining security challenges that come with it and how can help companies move forward without compromising
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